Chava Fleming, Cultus

The visit of the third and final rabbinic candidate, Avigail Ben Dor Niv, will begin on Saturday evening, 27th April, with a Mincha service and a Shiur on Zoom and conclude in person with Kabbalat Shabbat on May 3rd and Shacharit on May 4th. After Shacharit, we will have a Q&A session followed by a Kiddush sponsored by the community.

Rabbi election: As we have three candidates this time. It was decided at the General Assembly on April 17th to hold an anonymous postal vote. You can either cast your vote in writing or in person at our community on Tuesday June 4th. The ballot paper will show the names of the three candidates with a box to tick, and you will be asked to vote for only one of the candidates or to leave the ballot paper blank, otherwise it will be invalid. (This is the voting system of the Swiss Association).

Members have one vote for their candidate (and it would be a good time to mention that we would greatly appreciate it if all membership dues for 2023 were paid in full now). This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved in community decision making. Coming to cast your vote on 4 June will ensure that the community has a quorum. Please cast your vote as we do not want to fall short of the quorum of 20 % of members set out in the constitution and have to call a second ballot.

This exciting opportunity is part of the ongoing development of liberal Judaism in Basel and heralds a new era for Migwan families.

The timetable until the election is announced:

Thursday, May 9th : Zoom presentation from the RaSuKo with information and facts about each of the three candidates, 7:30 pm

Zoom presentation from the RaSuKo with information and facts about each of the three candidates, 7:30 pm
Zoom link: 
Zoom link:

Week from May 13th: Posting at Migwan (if you have moved, please inform the office immediately)

Sunday, 19 May: In person discussion at Migwan with the RaSuKo at 11:00 a.m.

Thursday, May 30th: Deadline for postal votes to be sent to Herrengrabenweg 50, 4054 Basel

Tuesday, June 4th: Votes are cast and counted for our Rabbinate.

The exciting announcement will follow as soon as possible.

Save the date

Tikkun leil Shavuot will take place on Tuesday, June 11th, on zoom. Organized by the liberal communities of Migwan, Dresden, Leipzig and Görlitz.

Time: 18:00 to 22:00 pm.

Siddur Update:

May I remind you that there is an opportunity to celebrate and to commemorate a family event in the new Migwan siddur: perhaps a birth, a B’nei Mitzvah, a wedding, a special exam success, or the grandchildren. Then there is most importantly an opportunity to remember loved ones who have passed away but who are always with us in our hearts. If you wish to order such a siddur commemoration, and have not yet done so, for CHF 300.- you are assured of a place in the Memory section of the new siddur, which we sincerely hope will be presented to the community in time for the August Jubilee weekend.

Please send me @ the desired text. You can donate the amount directly online under the heading "Siddur" with various payment options.

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