High Holidays 5785

Program and registration:


There are only a certain number of places available in our community.

Registration by September 20, 2024 at the latest:
(After this date we can no longer accept registrations)

Links to the registration:
Rosh Hashana https://forms.gle/ySiRbJ1PyG8hvaDZ6
Yom Kippur, https://forms.gle/KqZ2aSRADaZwhM8z5
Sukkot, https://forms.gle/s6oWkZL7DTxPB8iz8


on zoom: Saturday, September 28, 6:00 PM with shiur for the High Holidays with community Rabbi Avigail Ben Dor Niv

Zoom link:


Erev Rosh Hashanah, Wednesday, October 2nd, 6:30 - 9:00 PM, led by community Rabbi Avigail Ben Dor Niv

(Holiday candles 6:48 PM)

followed by Kiddush, Simanim and Buffet Dinner for registered members and guests.


Day 1

Thursday, October 3, 10:00 am - 1:15 pm, Shacharit, Shofar, Mussaf, followed by Kiddush and lunch for registered members and guests. Joint walk and Tashlich meeting point Migwan, 14:00 pm.


Yom Kippur, geleitet von Gemeinderabbiner Avigail Ben Dor Niv. (Kol Nidre und Ne’ila wird von Solisten gesungen)

Erev Yom Kippur, Friday October 11th, 6:30 PM

(Shabbat/Holiday candles @ 6:31 PM)

Kol Nidre 6:45 PM


Yom Kippur, Samstag, 12. Oktober, 10:00 – 13:00 Uhr, (Jiskor ca. 11:00 Uhr).

5:30 PM Mincha, Jonah reading, Ne'ila

"Breaking the fast" @7:32 PM, for registered members and guests.



Building the Suka: Sunday October 13th,

10:00 – 12:00 AM (K’tanim/Jeens)

13:00 – 15:00 PM (Ze’irimot)

Erew Sukkot, Wednesday October 16, 6:15 PM (Holiday candles 6:21 PM) Kiddush at our community Sukkah. led by the community

Sukkot: Hoshanah Rabah
Mitttwoch 23. Oktober, 17:30 Uhr, «Wine and shake”, geleitet von Gemeinderabbiner Avigail Ben Dor Niv, und unseren Unzgi Kindern.

Erew Simchat Tora, Donnerstag, 24. Oktober, 18:30 Uhr, geleitet von Gemeinderabbiner Avigail Ben Dor Niv.
Tora Lesung (letztes Kapitel, Chatan Tora) und Hakafot

Simchat Torah and Kabbalat Shabbat, Friday, October 25th, 5:30 PM (Holiday/Shabbat candles 6:05), last chance Hakafot, rolling the scroll.

Saturday October 26th, Shacharit service 10:00 AM, Parasha Bereshit


This year we honor Marshall Ungar, Chatan Torah and Kallat Bereshit Noga Grossman.


If you have registered for the buffet, you will receive an invoice after your registration. We ask you to pay the relevant amount before the event.

Per person and event:

  • CHF 30.00 members and their partner
  • CHF 15.00 students/young adults (age 18-26)
  • CHF 10.00 children (age 3yrs and up)
  • CHF 50.00 Guests per person


Registration by September 20, 2024 at the latest:
(After this date we can no longer accept registrations)


High Holidays 5785

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