
Dear members and guests of our community

Concerns about events in Israel and the region, as well as events in many parts of the world, will continue to accompany us into the High Holidays this fall.

A few weeks ago, we celebrated our 20th anniversary together with many members and guests in an official ceremony. The Migwan community was formed in September 2004 as a group of young families and individuals from diverse backgrounds. From the very beginning, the common goal was to build a liberal community life. The Migwan community now has 120 adult members and around 40 children and young people.

What I am particularly pleased about is that many of the children from the founding period have grown up to become important and committed members of the Migwan community. We are now seeing many new families joining our community, many of whom are specifically looking for a liberal-progressive Jewish home. With this second generation, Migwan continues to grow and can look to the future with confidence.

We want to use our 20th birthday to strengthen the social and political anchoring and perception of Migwan. Today, Migwan is an important and complementary element of Jewish life in Basel and the region. We also associate this with the responsibility to contribute to the diverse social peace.

On behalf of the Migwan Board and team, I wish you and your loved ones all the best for the Jewish New Year 

Shana tova u'metuka - שנה טובה ומתוקה

Peter Jossi, President of Migwan


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